About the School

As a Lionheart school, we believe that ‘ANY young person from ANY background deserves an EQUAL chance to be successful in whatever they do’. Every child and adult at Broom Leys is encouraged to reach their full potential regardless of their background. 

Each school also has a philosophy and ethos, developed over time and informed by key educational experts and research findings. These underpin the work of the school and impact on progress. 

Our mission is to provide an exceptional education where children are valued, where their needs and interests are catered for and where they can flourish, exploring a rich, broad curriculum and range of life experiences. 

Our school motto is ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ and this is reflected in our aims and values. 

We encourage children and adults to: 

  • Show respect for others and value each other as individuals 
  • Try new experiences and seize upon new ideas 
  • Take risks and learn from mistakes 
  • Give of their best 
  • Work together to be the best they can be 

Our school and Trust ethos is demonstrated through the 6Rs of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflection and Reciprocity. 



Being Safe 

When travelling to and from school always behave sensibly. Remember, never put yourself or others in danger by the way you act. Never talk to strangers. 

Move about school sensibly and quietly so that you do not hurt yourself or others.  This means walking in the corridors, classrooms and when moving from the main building to the dining room. 

There are several staircases in school and these give us special problems.  On the stairs you should always use the handrail and keep to the right hand side unless told otherwise. 

When you move about school it is polite and safe to hold all doors for those behind you. 


Being Healthy 

Try to come to school washed, dressed and having eaten breakfast. 

Sleep well so that you arrive in school on time, alert and ready to work hard. 

Remember to bring your PE kit to school. 

Always use the toilets properly, washing your hands before you leave.  If you know that someone is mis-using the toilets tell an adult at once. 


Being Wise 

Try hard in each lessonConcentrate and be willing to take an active part in learning.  Follow instructions from all staff and when in difficulty be prepared to ask for help. 

Play with those children who wish to play with you. Rough games and play fights can easily go wrong and tempers get lost. Have a care for other children, especially younger ones when playing chasing games. Put all your litter into bins, or your pocket so as to keep our school neat and tidy. 

Everyone in school, both children and adults, should be treated with equal respect. If you are rude to anyone you will be asked to explain yourself. 

Remember that a friendly smile and good manners help us all to get along with each other.