Message From the Headteacher

Welcome to Broom Leys Primary School, a large primary school mainly serving the Bardon, Broom Leys and Greenhill areas of the east of Coalville. The school has a long history of serving the local community and providing the highest standard of education for the children living in this area.

We are proud of our pupils' academic achievements, which were recognised in our most recent OfSTED report, but we are just as proud of their achievements in sport, music and the arts. These all play a large part in the daily life of a child at Broom Leys. The school was one of the first in the country to be awarded the School Games Platinum Mark in recognition of our PE provision.

All schools are different but what makes Broom Leys special is its site, the facilities we can offer and the broad range of expertise of a large staff. Our facilities include a large playing field, a dedicated music room, an attractive library and two computer suites.

We know that children learn best when they feel safe and happy. Wellbeing, both mental and physical, is paramount. You never know when a child may require a little tender, loving care and to this end we provide a range of nurture activities. We also offer support from Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, a trained counsellor and a mental health practitioner.

We are pleased to have recently merged into the Lionheart Educational Trust and to work very closely with the other Trust primary schools: Highcliffe, Riverside, Hallam Fields and Brocks Hill Primary Schools. Together we are working tirelessly to ensure that all of our primary schools provide the highest quality education both academically and holistically.

I hope that you will find our website a valuable resource and that it will give you an insight into this school. Visits to the school are warmly welcomed so that you can observe first hand how it is a place where children can grow, be happy in their learning and experience success.


Robert Prior
